Degrees of punishment in hell and will there be different degrees of rewards?
Where do we find noah preached to men and how many sons and daughters did he have?
Where do we find noah preached to men and how many sons and daughters did he have?
When and what year did the 70 weeks of Daniel start and when did they end?
When and what year did the 70 weeks of Daniel start and when did they end?
Can sinners at the rapture be saved and be a natural inhabitant of the new earth?
Can sinners at the rapture be saved and be a natural inhabitant of the new earth?
Can people chew gum in church and explain Revelation 22….?
Can people chew gum in church and explain Revelation 22….?
Comment on John 14:16, He is with you and shall be in you!
Comment on John 14:16, He is with you and shall be in you!
Can you prove by the Bible that there will consciousnesses of souls and spirits of men?
Can you prove by the Bible that there will consciousnesses of souls and spirits of men?
Do you believe there were people before Adam and Eve?
Do you believe there were people before Adam and Eve?
Seminar summer 2015 – pastor Mike Williams and brother Christoph Michel Dear pastor Mike and brother Christoph, We are so thankful for the time that we had together. This seminar was a priviledge and a great blessing for all of us. God has toughed our hearts, souls and spirit through you in a very special way and we will never be the same. We love […]
Engagement of Yoana and Milan
Църковна служба на 4 август 2013, проповед и официален църковен годеж на Йоана и Милан.
Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church Християнска Вселенска и Апостолска Църква ВЕРСКО УБЕЖДЕНИЕ е вероизповедание, основаващо се на идеята за християнския икуменизъм. и е християнска, защото изповядва вярата в Светата Единосъщна и Неразделна Троица. Приема за единствен свой Спасител Господ Иисус Христос, Синът Божий, Въплътеното Слово Божие.“ Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church Religious Beliefs CEAC is a Christian one, because […]
Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church 6
епископ Христо Писаров Християнска Вселенска и Апостолска Църква Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church Проф. д-р Дечко Свиленов гостува на ХВАЦ.
Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church 2 Християнска Вселенска и Апостолска Църква Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church Проф. д-р Дечко Свиленов гостува на ХВАЦ.