Vicky Beeching – Yesterday, Today and Forever (Вчера, днес и завинаги) Yesterday, today and forever

The Lord Bless You and Keep You

“Разкажи ми песен” е кратка рубрика за музикално хваление и насърчение, където хората могат да се насладят на клавирни изпълнения, за вдъхновение, размишление и доближаване до Бог. Надежда представя историите и музиката на някои от най-красивите химни, които сa били познати през годините, както и класически композиции или съчетание между двете. Въпреки че в някои […]

Твоето присъствие /Cover Pedro Gomez,Barak and Jr Ponciano – Trae Tu Presencia/

Хваление ХЦ Живот на победа,Русе Неделна служба 24.11.2019

Sing to the Lord a Jubilant Song – Words and Music by Jon Paige

Мария Темелкова, Благовеста Танев, Нанчо Димитров, Румен Арнаудов и Росен Арнаудов – клавир

Jesus is mine and I am His

Великден – 01 Април, 2018 г. Начало

Leaves and Fruit | p-r Dimitar Luchev | English-German

We present to you David and Eleanor / Представяме ви Дейвид и Елинор

The Theology of the Old Testament | 3.Law, Prophets and Writings | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the OT | 5.The Yahwistic, Elohistic and Deuteronomic Traditions | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the Old Testament | 8.Heavens, Earth and Firmament | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the Old Testament | 11.The Divine and Angelic Existence | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the Old Testament | 13. The Earth and the Sea | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the OT | 19.The Story of Adam and Eve as the Story of Creation | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the Old Testament | 20.On Satan and the Demons | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the Old Testament | 22.The Covenant with Adam, Noah and Abraham | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Theology of the OT | 23.The Covenant with Israel, David and the New Covenant | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

СКОРО, МНОГО СКОРО // Soon and Very Soon

Хваление – ЕПЦ – Ветил гр. Ямбол

Georgian and Winnie Banov

Християнски Мисионерски Център – Даром сте приели , даром давайте – гр. Казанлък – с п-р Димитър Банев

Jesus and the Temple in the Gospel of John | 7.The Eternal High Priest | p-r Dimitar Luchev

A seminar of nine parts in which p-r Dimitar Luchev aims to clarify who Jesus of Nazareth really was according the understanding of the „beloved disciple“, who was not only the closest friend of Christ but also the apostle who was entrusted with the greatest revelations. The modern (predominantly Western) church has reduced its vision […]

Jesus and the Temple in the Gospel of John | 9.The Great „I Am“ | p-r Dimitar Luchev

A seminar of nine parts in which p-r Dimitar Luchev aims to clarify who Jesus of Nazareth really was according the understanding of the „beloved disciple“, who was not only the closest friend of Christ but also the apostle who was entrusted with the greatest revelations. The modern (predominantly Western) church has reduced its vision […]

Jesus and the Temple in the Gospel of John | 8.Who is YHWH? | p-r Dimitar Luchev

A seminar of nine parts in which p-r Dimitar Luchev aims to clarify who Jesus of Nazareth really was according the understanding of the „beloved disciple“, who was not only the closest friend of Christ but also the apostle who was entrusted with the greatest revelations. The modern (predominantly Western) church has reduced its vision […]

Jesus and the Temple in the Gospel of John | 2. Who was John? | p-r Dimitar Luchev

A seminar of nine parts in which p-r Dimitar Luchev aims to clarify who Jesus of Nazareth really was according the understanding of the „beloved disciple“, who was not only the closest friend of Christ but also the apostle who was entrusted with the greatest revelations. The modern (predominantly Western) church has reduced its vision […]

Jesus and the Temple in the Gospel of John | 3.Mysteries of the Temple | p-r Dimitar Luchev

A seminar of nine parts in which p-r Dimitar Luchev aims to clarify who Jesus of Nazareth really was according the understanding of the „beloved disciple“, who was not only the closest friend of Christ but also the apostle who was entrusted with the greatest revelations. The modern (predominantly Western) church has reduced its vision […]

Jesus and the Temple in the Gospel of John | 4.Seven Miracles | p-r Dimitar Luchev

A seminar of nine parts in which p-r Dimitar Luchev aims to clarify who Jesus of Nazareth really was according the understanding of the „beloved disciple“, who was not only the closest friend of Christ but also the apostle who was entrusted with the greatest revelations. The modern (predominantly Western) church has reduced its vision […]