Jesus Culture – Holding Nothing Back (Нищо не ме задържа назад)
http://youtu.be/CVmwyF2XeDI Holding Nothing Back

ВРЪЩАМ СЕ ПРИ ТЕБ, ГОСПОДИ! | Coming Back to You | קונצרט תהילה לאלוהינו 5 – אשוב אליך
Coming Back to You | קונצרט תהילה לאלוהינו 5 – אשוב אליך (Ashuv Eleicha) Връщам се при Теб, Господи! Покажи ми пътя, по който да се върна при Теб, Господи! Даже да е много труден, да се върна в Твоите ръце. Пътят, в чиито край е живота. Аз се връщам, връщам се да дам живота […]

Is it explained in scripture why God comes back with Christ at the 2nd advent? (Finis J. Dake)
Is it explained in scripture why God comes back with Christ at the 2nd advent? (Finis J. Dake)

According to the Bible what is keeping Christ from coming back now?
According to the Bible what is keeping Christ from coming back now?

Will God allow you to experience the Holy Spirit if you backslide and come back again?
Will God allow you to experience the Holy Spirit if you backslide and come back again?

Can people get saved after Jesus comes back for his people?
Can people get saved after Jesus comes back for his people?