Bishop Hristo Pisarov 1
Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ http://www.ecumenicalccc.org http://www.ecumenicalccc.org/cathedral-and-abbey-of-st–anthony.php http://ceacbg.com Explanation of the International Coat of Arms of the ECCC It is taken from the Ephesians 1:10 and expresses our church’s desire to strive for unity among all churches through prayer an active dialog. The bottom of the Coat of Arms shows the symbol of Christ, Christos […]

Bishop Hristo Pisarov 2
Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ http://www.ecumenicalccc.org http://www.ecumenicalccc.org/cathedral-and-abbey-of-st–anthony.php http://ceacbg.com Explanation of the International Coat of Arms of the ECCC It is taken from the Ephesians 1:10 and expresses our church’s desire to strive for unity among all churches through prayer an active dialog. The bottom of the Coat of Arms shows the symbol of Christ, Christos […]

Panahida for + bishop john
http://ceacbg.com/en/presentation.html The Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church (CEAC) is a denomination, based on the concept of Christian ecumenism. CEAC is a legal entity according to the Law of Religions. The name of the denomination written out in Cyrillic is as follows: ХРИСТИЯНСКА ВСЕЛЕНСКА И АПОСТОЛСКА ЦЪРКВА; it translates into English as follows: Christian Ecumenical and […]