Please explain the beast that is, was not, and is to come?

Please explain the beast that is, was not, and is to come?

Please explain about Melchizedek, where did he come from?

Please explain about Melchizedek, where did he come from?

Where will the antichrist come from?

Where will the antichrist come from?

When does the Holy Ghost come into a mans life?

When does the Holy Ghost come into a mans life?

Will God allow you to experience the Holy Spirit if you backslide and come back again?

Will God allow you to experience the Holy Spirit if you backslide and come back again?

Will Jesus come before the mark of the beast?

Will Jesus come before the mark of the beast?

Will people grow older in the age to come?

Will people grow older in the age to come?

Where did we come from?

Where did we come from?

Could the Lord come now?

Finis J. Dake’s Audio from a radio broadcast of Dake answering Bible questions.

Идвам, Господи (Lord, I come to You) – BEC Praise & Worship team

Идвам, Господи (Lord, I come to You) в изпълнение на хвалебната група при БЕЦ – Казанлък. – ЕПЦ Пазарджик – 02.10.2011