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#ЦъркваНаПълнотоЕвангелие #ДобраБлагодатАлбум Църква на Пълното Евангелие ⓕ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/fullgospelbg/ Ⓘⓝ Instagram: FGC.bg ⓎⓉ Абонирайте се за канала ни с камбанка, за да не изпускате интересни новини, проповеди и хваление: shorturl.at/cEIJK ________________________ Ние сме съвременна българска християнска общност, която вярва във всичко, което пише в Светото Писание – Библията. Бог показа, че сме възлюбени от Него като […]
In Luke 17:34, one will be taken and one will be left, how will that be determined? (Finis J. Dake)
In Luke 17:34, one will be taken and one will be left, how will that be determined? (Finis J. Dake)
Is the darkness of the sun in the 6th chapter same as the one in Acts 2?
Is the darkness of the sun in the 6th chapter same as the one in Acts 2?
Why did God allow men more than one wife in the Old Testament?
Why did God allow men more than one wife in the Old Testament?
How does one get the gifts of the Spirit and how do you seek them ?
How does one get the gifts of the Spirit and how do you seek them ?
Why can’t Moses be one of the two witnesses of Revelation?
Why can’t Moses be one of the two witnesses of Revelation?