The Theology of the Old Testament | 6.The Priestly Tradition | Dimitar Luchev

A B.Th. course on the „Theology of the Old Testament“ presented in the Lanka Bible Seminary, Sri Lanka in July 2017, which focuses on some theological themes and topics which reveal the world view of the OT writers.

The Meaning of the Cross & the Last Words of Christ | 6. The High Priestly Prayer | Dimitar Luchev

In this short seminar p-r Dimitar Luchev explains why did Jesus, the Son of God, had to die and in what way are we to understand the crucifixion as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Pastor Luchev demonstrates that very often Christians hold on to very primitive, outdated theories of the atonement and […]

Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King | 6. The Priestly and the Royal Ministry | Dimitar Luchev |

Seminar in 6 parts on the nature of the the prophetic, the priestly and the royal ministry of Jesus. The seminar took place in Hokksund, Norway on the 12th and 13th of May, 2016.