What do You Have in Your Hands? Dimitar Luchev (English|German)
A sermon on the story of the dramatic encounter between YHWEH and Moses at the mount of Horeb in which the Lord commissions Moses to return to Egypt and deliver the people of Israel.

Promise for the Day – If ye have faith as a grain of a mustard seed. (Finis J. Dake)
Promise for the Day – If ye have faith as a grain of a mustard seed. (Finis J. Dake)

Promise for the Day – If ye have faith and doubt not. (Finis J. Dake)
Promise for the Day – If ye have faith and doubt not. (Finis J. Dake)

The Anti-Christ will not have power over the whole world. (Finis J. Dake)
The Anti-Christ will not have power over the whole world. (Finis J. Dake)

What kind of here after will the heathen who have never heard of God’s word have?
What kind of here after will the heathen who have never heard of God’s word have?

What affect does the world council have on the church?
What affect does the world council have on the church?

Will anyone left here after the rapture have the chance to be saved?
Will anyone left here after the rapture have the chance to be saved?

Can a person have control over body and speech under the spirit of the Holy Ghost?
Can a person have control over body and speech under the spirit of the Holy Ghost?

Why do some people insist that you must have the Holy Ghost to go in the rapture?
Why do some people insist that you must have the Holy Ghost to go in the rapture?

Did the witch of Endor really have the power to call up Samuel?
Did the witch of Endor really have the power to call up Samuel?

If the Ten Comandments have been abolished what are the new ones?
If the Ten Comandments have been abolished what are the new ones?

Where do we find noah preached to men and how many sons and daughters did he have?
Where do we find noah preached to men and how many sons and daughters did he have?